Evergreen is a progressive, public liberal arts and sciences college located in Olympia, Washington, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Learn more.
60+ fields of study to explore. Evergreen’s unique academics encourage you to forge your own pathway.
See fields of study.
Evergreen emphasizes collaborative, interdisciplinary learning across significant differences. Our academic community engages students in defining and thinking critically about their learning. Evergreen supports and benefits from local and global commitments to social justice, diversity, environmental stewardship and service in the public interest.

免费Ⅴpn安卓 passes important history on to Greeners with her Tambourine.

Alexandra James MES ’19 (pictured) and Albert McConathy MES ’19 are helping land trusts with forward-thinking strategies for ecological restoration and land management.

Cappy Thompson ’76 shares how her dreams have become her life's work.
Read The Evergreen Magazine and catch up on the latest accomplishments of our alumni.
90% of our graduates are working or in grad schools one year after graduation.
View profiles.
Transfer students love Evergreen for three reasons: no backtracking, no repeat classes, and faster graduation. Find out why you should transfer to Evergreen.
The Veterans Resource Center will help you receive all the benefits you’ve earned through your service. 7% of Greeners are veterans or their dependents. We serve all military, dependents, and veterans with respect, compassion, and confidentiality.
Attending university in the United States can be both rewarding and challenging. You’re not alone. Support is available for international students.
As a parent, you want your children to be successful in the real world. Evergreen is uniquely equipped to make that happen. Learn about what your student can expect.